Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Miso Soup

So I caved in and decided to start my food obsessed web blog. The theme will be pretty much about recipes, food discoveries, farming (preferably organic and local) and of course, restaurants. I cook primarily vegan and vegetarian, but I do have a lot of knowledge of meat preparation. So here and there if I find something worthy in regards to meat...then it will come. Perhaps I will upload photos of some cooking creations... Anyway. On to the first recipe.

Today I was feeling ill to my stomach. Maybe it had something to do with the impending doom of a personal matter, or perhaps it was that sushi/sake combination I overindulged on at Sakura last night. Regardless, not being able to eat all day, I decided it was due to time break into my Miso Paste and make some Miso Soup.

Miso Soup is perhaps one of the easiest soups to prepare, if you have the ingredients at hand. Most of the ingrediants come from my local Asian market, Lo's.

First, boil about two cups of water. While they are heating up slice about 3/4 of an inch of ginger. Also slice 1-2 cloves of garlic. Don't slice them too thin. When you are done chopping them you should add them to the boiling water for ten-fifteen minutes. While that is boiling, assemble any of these ingredients:

Miso Paste (red, brown, whatever you prefer) 2 tbsp (this can change more or less depending on the strength of your miso)
Leeks or Scallions-sliced thin
Tofu- Cubed
Rice Noodles-a hand full of these is nice
Nori Roasted Seaweed-torn up into bite size pieces

Scoop the ginger and garlic out and discard. Add all the ingredients and let simmer until thoroughly cooked (ie. about three minutes for the rice noodles)

Miso Soup in about 15 minutes.

Nutritional Value of Miso
Two tablespoons of miso provide:
Calories 71
Protein (gm) 4.00
Fat (gm) 2.00
Carbohydrate (gm) 9.00
Calcium (mg) 23.00
Iron (mg) 1.00
Zinc (mg) 1.25

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