Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How to Sprout Beans

You Need::
1/4 cup of dry beans (lentils, soybeans, mung beans, black red beans...seeds)
Filtered water

Sort and rinse the beans. Transfer the beans to a bowl and cover them with 2 cups of water, and leave them to soak at room temp for 8 hours. Drain the beans into a colander and gently rinse them with cold water. Place the colander in a dark place, such as your kitchen cabinet. Repeat "the rinsing/leaving to drain/returning to a dark place" twice a day for 3-5 days until the beans have sprouted a 1 inch tail. Place these baby sprouts in indirect sunlight for several hours, to create chlorophyll and to turn the sprouted tails green before using.

Use your sprouts within 3 days.

DO NOT use potato or tomato seeds, they are poisonous.
Sometimes this might not work due to circumstances only the bean don't give up, and try it again.



Anonymous said...

Nice tip ... I love sprouts.

Anonymous said...

It took me like a week for my mung beans to be ready to eat. But they were delish. I also read that mung beans shouldn't be exposed to light so I kept them in the dark the whole time.